Saturday, July 12, 2008

MEME fun

I got tagged! Tracy at Pink Purl wants to see me answer these  questions so here goes!

Five things on your to do list:
1. do this meme
2. laundry
3. email some friends
4. take dog to park
5. teach daughter to park car

What were you doing 10 years ago?
My daughter was 7. I was working at a average job, raising her and probably in some dysfunctional relationship. 

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. chips
2. fruits (banana, strawberry, blueberry)
3. nuts
4. popsicles
5. chocolate

Things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. buy a home
2. go to college
3. travel
4. give gifts to friends
5. help family

Places I have lived:
Only one, York PA. 

Tracy also gave me 2 awards and I would like to say Thank you! HUGS!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Hi, there! Such fun to read your list! Glad you decided to join in on the fun...that wasn't too painful, was it?! ;o) Hope you had great time with Marley at the park. How's the parking lesson with DD go? Hope you're having a good weekend! Write when you can :o) ((BIG HUGS))